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Cape Cod Classic Cocktails, by William Rice

Cape Cod Classic Cocktails, by William Rice

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Product #:1662

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#1662 Cape Cod Cocktail Book, By William Rice, spiral bound

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Welcome to the Cape Cod Classic Cocktails. Fun cocktails are an important part of entertaining on Cape cod. Bill created this guide to show his family what some of the more popular drinks that can be created at his home in Wellfleet. It became so popular with friends and family, he decided to make it available to all as well. This guide is not a complete cocktail book, rather it contains many of the fun, summer drinks that our family and friends enjoy when visiting Cape Cod. This guide will also give you an idea of drinks you can order next time you are out on the town and don't want a drink from the establishment's cocktail menu. i hope you enjoy the craft cocktail cookbook - Cape Cod Classic Cocktails!  

Spiral bound, 67 pages

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