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The Wellfleet Oyster Cookbook, by William Rice

The Wellfleet Oyster Cookbook, by William Rice

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Product #:789.8

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#789.8 The Wellfleet Oyster Cookbook, by William Rice, spiral bound

Wellfleet has been harvesting oysters for hundreds of years. They, along with other shellfish, are a mainstay of the Wellfleet economy. They bring visitors from near and far to enjoy the beauty of the ocean and sample the fine foods available in town. Many people have never experienced a Wellfleet oyster because they are unwilling to try something that's not cooked, or it looks weird, or because of other reasons. However, not all oysters need to be consumed raw. That is why this book was created. to share the recipes that many of Bill's family and friends enjoy every summer when the visit him on Cape Cod. This cookbook is a collection of oyster recipes from around the world that have been adapted by Bill and his family over the years.

The recipes are divided into three sections: Raw - Grilled, Baked or Fried - Everything Else. Raw focuses on toppings and vinegar-based mignonettes that help bring out and complement a Wellfleet oyster's flavors. Grilled, Baked, or Fried is geared for people who shy away from raw oysters. Everything Else covers stews, casseroles, and other more complicated recipes.  

Spiral bound, 80 pages

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