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Canning & Preserving

Posted by on 8/3/2022

Canning season is a year-round affair. However, for us here in New England canning and preserving starts mid to end of summer and goes through fall.
While we love eating fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the garden or farmers market, there is usually an abundance of produce. So what better way to use up the excess than preserving and canning it to enjoy during the long winter months.
We may not have all the answers to your preserving questions, but we are here to remind you now is the time to organize and take inventory of your canning ingredients and utensils. Take a look below and maybe you will find something new to add to your canning collection.

Pickling Spice Blend
Used for pickling and marinating meats such as corned beef and pot roasts, vegetables like as cabbage, onion, and mushrooms, and fish such as salmon and herring. A good all-around pickling spice blend.

Unbleached, 100% cotton cheesecloth is a multi-purpose tool inside of the kitchen and outside of the house. Use it in the kitchen for making artisanal cheese, craft tofu or small-batch wine, as well as canning and baking, poaching and straining, basting or wrapping.

Kosher Flake Salt
Our Kosher Flake salt is a unique, pyramid shaped crystal with stair-step sides. The irregular crystals make this salt ideal for cooking and seasoning as well as an accent for refreshments that call for a salt-rimmed glass. Flake salt is commonly used by spice blenders due to the increase surface area that improves adherence to food. Contains no additives.

Pomona's Universal Pectin is a sugar-free, preservative-free, low methoxyl citrus pectin that is activated by calcium. Since it does not require sugar to jell, jams and jellies can be made with less, little or no sugar. Some other possible sweeteners are honey, fructose, sucanat, concentrated fruit sweetener, maple syrup, agave, frozen juice concentrate, stevia, xylitol, Splenda or other sweeteners.

Dill Seed
A popular spice widely known for its use in making dill pickles, dill is often used in European cuisine. Dill seed is similar in flavor to caraway - sweet, citrusy, and slightly bitter. Dill seed's flavor works well for soups, salads, breads, dressings, poultry, and fish.

Canning Funnel
This wide mouth canning funnel is made of food grade stainless steel, which is durable and will not rust. It is the perfect choice for your wide mouth mason jars, fresh fruit jars, delicious coffee, solid beans, filling oil or liquid bottles, and more.

Any questions? We’re here to help.
Monday to Friday 9am to 5 PM EST
800-316-7965 - [email protected]

Atlantic Spice Company
2 Shore Road - North Truro MA 02652-0205 - USA

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